Start of Class Activities Course 1: Implementation Rubric – Teacher Course


Presenter: Theresa Morris, MPASS Education Inc.
Core Area: Professional Practices and Responsibilities 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 0.75 

Are you looking to streamline your classroom routines? In this 30-minute course from MPASS Education, Theresa Morris introduces educators to the art of beginning class activities with effective routines. Dive deep into the essence of optimizing time, emphasizing the importance of student roles and participation, and discover ways to maximize student engagement.

This course is designed to be completed by a principal and a teacher concurrently. An assessment will be given to each. Following the assessment, the principal and teacher are encouraged to meet and discuss what was learned in the course.

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How can educators utilize the first moments of class to establish a successful learning environment? Theresa Morris from MPASS Education breaks down the intricacies of starting class activities. This course provides an understanding of the "Implementation Rubric," highlighting strategies to streamline classroom procedures, from attendance-taking to engaging every student.

This course is designed to be completed by a principal and a teacher concurrently. An assessment will be given to each. Following the assessment, the principal and teacher are encouraged to meet and discuss what was learned in the course.

This course is designed to be completed by a principal and a teacher concurrently. An assessment will be given to each. Following the assessment, the principal and teacher are encouraged to meet and discuss what was learned in the course.
In this 30-minute course, you will learn:
  • The importance of daily routines in teaching and its impact on student behavior
  • Insights into student roles and the balance between teacher-student interactions
  • The art of class participation and understanding varied student responses
  • Pacing and timing: Ensuring activities and tasks flow seamlessly in the initial 10-12 minutes
  • The process of self-assessment, guiding educators toward self-improvement in their practices

This course is the part of a series on Start of Class Activities. The session titles are:

Orientation for Optimizing Instructional Time
Course 1: Implementation Rubric and Self-Assessment
Course 2: Rituals
Course 3: Routines 
Course 4: Activity Selection 
Course 5: Student Roles 
Course 6: Class Participation 
Course 7: Timing
Course 8: Implementation Rubric, Self-Assessment, & Growth

Some sessions are still in production. Check back soon for newly added courses.

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