Moving Past Perfectionism and Procrastination


Presenter: Lori Comallie-Caplan
Core Area: Social and Emotional
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1

There is no such thing as healthy perfectionism. The demands of perfectionism can inevitably leave gifted students feeling discouraged and burned out, and that can lead to procrastination. Learn from Ms. Comallie-Caplan’s personal journey as she discusses methodology for helping students move past perfectionism and procrastination.

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On the surface, perfectionism and procrastination seem like competing qualities. If a student wants things done perfectly, won’t he/she stay on top of deadlines? In reality, perfectionism and procrastination go hand-in-hand to create struggles for many gifted students. 

In this 1-hour course, you will learn:

  • Possible origins of procrastination
  • The cost of perfectionism
  • Perfectionism vs. striving for excellence
  • Interventions for perfectionism
  • Interventions for procrastination
This course is aligned with NAGC Teacher Preparation Standards 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.

Extend your learning and earn another CPE credit! This course has a recorded Virtual Extended Learning Session where Lisa Van Gemert provides strategies and application tips. Click Here: Moving Past Perfectionism and Procrastination – Extended Learning Session

Additional information





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387 reviews for Moving Past Perfectionism and Procrastination

  1. Miriam – GRAND PRAIRIE ISD (verified owner)

    Great resource!

  2. Andrea – MIDLAND ISD (verified owner)

    Good tips for helping students with handling perfectionism which may actually be hurting them.

  3. Kristi – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)

    I found it somewhat confusing

  4. Becky – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)

    Well done

  5. Kathy – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the course. The excellence vs perfectionism was very informative.

  6. Nancy – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)

    Interesting information about striving to be perfect.

  7. Amy – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)

    Very good course.

  8. Cindy – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)

    Good tips! I liked the striving for excellence idea.

  9. Natalie – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)


  10. Michelle – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)


  11. Tracy – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)

    This course was very interesting and insightful.

  12. Donna – GRAND PRAIRIE ISD (verified owner)

    This course is thorough. It hits some very useful points about gifted learners.

  13. Paula – WESTERN BROWN LOCAL (verified owner)

    Very informative!

  14. Karen – Centerburg Local (verified owner)

    I gave it a three not because it wasn’t useful, but because it wasn’t as useful to me as I had hoped. I was looking for specific strategies to help procrastinating perfectionists; those were eventually given, but they were small in comparison to the rest of the presentation.

  15. Raymundo – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    For a teacher that has a perfectionist would be all lot of help if they read This

  16. Gina – HALLSVILLE ISD (verified owner)

    Good information for intervening in the problems of perfectionists.

  17. Melanie – WYLIE ISD (verified owner)

    This is a really great training shedding light on perfectionism in students. I walked away with ideas on how to help my students in the classroom and also ways to encourage parents.

  18. Kacy – BOERNE ISD (verified owner)

    This course was insightful for assisting gifted kids with perfectionist tendencies.

  19. April – WYLIE ISD (verified owner)

    This is a course that can definitely help in parenting and teaching.

  20. Susan – BOERNE ISD (verified owner)

    Great information to support our students and our children at home.

  21. Schavonda – GRAND PRAIRIE ISD (verified owner)

    This course is extremely helpful with identifying characteristics of a perfectionist.

  22. Elizabeth – BOERNE ISD (verified owner)

    Great course!

  23. Tonya – GRAND PRAIRIE ISD (verified owner)

    Great viable and relevant information. Awesome explanations and resources

  24. Kaniesha – GRAND PRAIRIE ISD (verified owner)

    It is important to recognize your roll, as an adult, is perfectionism with students.

  25. Marie Ann – Review (verified owner)

    This course is an eye-opener. I was able to recognize the perfectionist attitude in myself. I look forward to applying some of these techniques like the use of Post-It notes to shift the perspective with little reminders of truth and striving for excellence rather than a perfect view of things.

  26. Cheryl – PLANO ISD (verified owner)

    This course was a good one. It addresses issues we see in our classrooms all the time.

  27. Shawn – Private Pay (verified owner)

    It is more elementary

  28. Samantha – SAN BENITO CISD (verified owner)


  29. Kristiana – MIDWAY ISD – WOODWAY (verified owner)

    So great for kids and adults alike!

  30. Mark – DONNA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (verified owner)

    great course

  31. Jassmine – CRESTVIEW LOCAL – VAN WERT COUNTY (verified owner)

    I liked the breakdown of perfectionism and how our thinking of it has changed over time.

  32. Julie – CARLISLE LOCAL (verified owner)

    lots of good ideas for the “average” teacher

  33. Cathy – FAYETTE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (verified owner)

    Excellent description of the things that contribute to perfectionism and the consequences of being perfectionistic.

  34. Anthony – MIDLOTHIAN ISD (verified owner)

    So good.

  35. Kelley – HUGHES SPRINGS ISD (verified owner)

    Loved it!

  36. Pamela – HUGHES SPRINGS ISD (verified owner)


  37. Alana – DRIPPING SPRINGS ISD (verified owner)

    Very insightful of how perfectionists think, act and respond.

  38. Cecilia – UNITED ISD (verified owner)


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